Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection
Protect your domain name’s WHOIS. Shield from cyber–theft. Have a look at the Whois Privacy Protection solution.

Whois Privacy Protection with
By default, a person’s WHOIS information needs to be publicly available also entirely accurate. Because of this you will need to specify your very own or organization data on the web and make it accessible for every person to check out. Thanks to the Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection service delivered by, it is possible to hide your information by using our details as an alternative.
A great benefit would be that just about all domain–related emails (transfer requests, EPP codes, etcetera) are going to still pass, whereas not needed email messages will be blocked out.
Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs
Because a number of registrars have set Whois Privacy Protection restrictions on their own TLDs, cannot feature the Whois Privacy Protection service for all the domain names we have on offer. Having said that, the number of domain names which support Whois Privacy Protection is constantly increasing and it by now contains all the most preferred domain names extensions.
Take a look at our comprehensive TLD info web page to discover which of the presented domain extensions feature Whois Privacy Protection.
SSL Certificates
Buy SSL certificates completely from your CP
An SSL certificate enciphers the connection between your customers and your online store and informs everyone that your store is a dependable place for shopping. You’d ordinarily get an SSL certificate from a third–party vendor. However, at, you can request one directly through your hosting Control Panel.
Simply go to the SSL Certificates section and choose if you need a regular SSL certificate or a wildcard SSL certificate. Then simply request an activation and we’ll carry out the rest on your behalf instantly.
Domain Redirection
Domain redirection created hassle–free
If you desire to point your domain name to a different web site or a subdomain to a specific section of your site, we’ve got an ideal solution for your requirements. You no longer need to make use of URL redirection methods – you can accomplish these tasks through our useful domain redirection tool.
All you have to do to forward your domain name is choose where it must lead. Our clever tool will do everything else and your domain name will start to point to the desired location instantly.
Wildcard Domains
Create a wildcard domain with just a click of the mouse
With the help of the Wildcard DNS feature, you can make all your active subdomains redirect to the home page of your site. For example, if someone types or, they’ll see
You might need the Wildcard DNS option for a multi–site application such as Joomla™ Multi–Site or WordPress.
To add a wildcard domain name, go to the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel and then press the Add Host button located on the right. At the bottom of the options list, you’ll notice the Wildcard Domain checkbox.
Compare Our Prices
- offers you money saving deals on domain names. You can easily find over 50 TLDs, each of them sold at cut–rate registration costs.
- Compare our TLD prices
TLD Details
- offers a selection of 50+ TLDs. Discover more info on every single TLD and find out if they have any kind of specific requirements.
- View TLD Details
Service Guarantees
- At, you can expect risk–free domain name hosting services. A 99.9% network uptime is guaranteed.
Contact Us
- Need to learn more on our Whois Privacy Protection service? Call us or load the online chat alternative on our site. Also, you can make use of the round–the–clock ticketing system or write us an email message. An hour response is guaranteed.