In case you have bought a hosting plan and you have some enquiries related to a given feature/function, or if you’ve faced some issue and you need assistance, you should be able to contact the respective technical support staff. All web hosting providers use a ticketing system no matter if they provide other methods of contacting them aside from it or not, since the most efficient way to resolve an issue most often is to use a ticket. This communication model renders the replies sent by both parties simple to track and permits the support team members to escalate the issue in the event that, for instance, an admin must interfere. In the general case, the ticketing system is part of the billing account and is not directly linked to the hosting space, which goes to say that you will need to use at least two different accounts to contact the customer care staff and to actually manage the hosting space. Incessantly signing in and out of different accounts can sometimes be a bore, not to mention the fact that it requires quite a long period of time for most hosting providers to answer ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Web Hosting

The ticketing system that we are using for our Linux web hosting packages is not separate from the hosting account. It is included in our all-embracing Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to access it whenever you like with only a couple of clicks of the mouse, without needing to sign out of your account. The ticketing system offers a quick-search field, so you can find virtually any trouble ticket that you’ve sent in the past, if required. Furthermore, you can see knowledge base articles that belong to various problem categories, which you can choose, so you can learn how to deal with a specific issue even before you send a ticket. The response time is no more than one hour, which means that you can receive timely assistance at any time and in case our customer support staff recommends that you do something inside your hosting account, you can do it on the spur of the moment without having to log out of the Control Panel.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all our Linux semi-dedicated packages, was built with the idea that you should be able to manage everything connected to your semi-dedicated server account from one single location and the trouble tickets make no exception. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so, in case you have a question or confront a difficulty, you can get in touch with our tech support engineers straight away without having to sign in to a completely different admin dashboard. You can search through your files or check a variety of settings in your account while sending a new ticket or reading the answer to an older one. In case you’ve got lots of tickets and you’d like to find a particular one, you can make use of the intelligent search option, which is available in the Help section of the Control Panel. We guarantee that you’ll receive a reply in less than one hour irrespective of the nature of your question or problem.